While the chainsaws roar in large parts of Elswout as a result of an intensive tree assessment session last Autumn, plans are presented for other parts of the garden. The house has been in restoration over the past years. One of the results was that the area in front of the house became part of the building area, where materials were stored, etc.
Google maps currently shows how a large building site hut has occupied the forecourt over the past years.
The forecourt in the circle. Note especially the big group of trees in the southwest section of the forecourt (the lower left part of the circle).
The plan was presented by a special purpose foundation (Stichting Plein Elswout) that is supposed to maintain the forecourt and organize events there and on other location in the large park:
The presentation drawing. All trees at the southwest corner are left out.
Or planned to be cut?
The central part with the oval lawn seems to fit historical developments: this section appears to have been unchanged over the past 200 years. The empty areas between the walls and the water do not seem to be in line with historical developments, nor are they consistent with the current situation. The large trees that are currently there -visible in the lower left part of the circle on the aerial view- are not shown on the presentation of the plan.
One can only hope the trees are left out of the presentation drawing for reasons of clarity, not because there is no place for them in the new layout. A drawing of the house and forecourt dated circa 1810 1Source information: TU Delft already shows thick planting outside the walls:
Elswout circa 1810. The area outside the walls is planted like a forest.
The total cost of the operation is estimated at € 1.2 million. The organization received funding commitments from the estate’s owners and stakeholders, but is still looking for financial support. They expect to be able to realize their plan within the next two years.
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